Data Migration
Data Migration with Minimal Risk and No Delays
Your new solution needs to fuse your ongoing data flow with your historical data. But that data is stuck in your legacy system. You face the challenge of finding and extracting your old data, and migrate what matters into the new solution. The data has to be checked for quality and fitness, to make sure that it plays nice with your new setup. Only then can your operations rely on the new solution.
Manage Risk Like a Pro: Data Migration in a 24/7 Environment
Some migrations have to be managed in real time, without ever shutting down operations. If so, that makes it risky. Some of our clients have systems with 24/7 uptime. In such an environment, a data migration is complex. It takes a team of specialist to do it without hassle and sleepless nights. Imagine your system, which has been up for years, suddenly going down. The people who rely on it’s operations will notice. They will be in pain and will look for the source of their discontent. If your system runs 24/7, you cannot afford to gamble with your uptime.
Get Help from Data Migration Veterans
Your business-critical operations have to keep working while you migrate your data. That means you need help from proven professionals with a track record. It would be a headache and a risky hassle to do by yourself. But for us it is a routine job. We have done this so many times that even the surprises no longer surprise us. You can’t have downtime in business-critical systems. It takes a team of specialists to make a data migration successful. There is a set of proven strategies for retrieving, transporting, and testing data. Our professionals have been refining these strategies for many years.
Extract Relevant Data
Your legacy system carries a lot of data. Some of it is relevant to your new solution, but most of it is not. It takes experience and expertise to know what matters, and how to take the right data from the legacy system. People that know where to look do this quickly. The next challenge is to transport the data to your new solution. But that new solution often has a different logic than the legacy system. The new data structure might not be ready to make use of the historical data. It takes the sharp eye of an analyst to see how the data must be adapted to fit the new solution. Once we have ironed out the flaws in your data, we are ready for the final step.
Data Transport
The transport of your data is done with our migration platform. First, we use a custom-designed version of the platform to handle your data flow. Then we link it between your old and new solution for a seamless data transport. If your your operations have to keep going 24/7, the platform will run the legacy system in parallel with your new solution. It will make an identical data flow, one copy for each setup. Then we switch it off the legacy system. Your people will not even notice that the transport has happened. Everything will keep working as usual.